Domain Maj
Exp 19 23m 22 1h 40m 21 3h 23m 22 3h 23m 27 3h 23m 24 3h 23m 21 3h 23m 16 3h 23m 25 3h 23m 16 3h 23m
Domain list showing domains with TF > 15 and CF > 15
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Trust Flow is a score from 0 to 100 that is based on how many links a domain gets from a set of trusted seed sites. Sites that have links either directly or indirectly from a set of sites that the Majestic team created manually will have a high TF, while those that have poor quality back links will have a low TF. Due to the manual nature of the collection of original seed sites, TF is very tough to manipulate (although not impossible).

Citation Flow is a score between 0 to 100, that measures the link equity that a domain has. It is very much like PageRank in the way it is calculated and therefore can be easily manipolated. The domain table shows expired domains with a minimum TF of 15 and CF of 15.

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The ratio of the TF to the CF has become one of the top metrics used in evaluating expired domains as it is much harder to manipulate. You will find the ratio to be very close to One for genuine expired domains, while those that have artificial back links tend to be much lower than Zero.

Typically you would look for domains that have a TF of more than 15 and a TF/CF ratio of more than 0.8

Ian Howells, Traffic Think Tank, United States

Whenever I'm looking for a domain with some link history, DomCop is my go-to tool. Their option for filtering by TF/CF ratio in particular helps quickly weed out the stuff that has a high likelihood of having been spammed to death already - it's a huge time saver.

Ian Howells, Traffic Think Tank
United States