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Expired .su domains list - Great back links, Trust Flow, Domain Authority
Alexa, SEMrush, SimilarWeb, Alexa metrics and more
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.SU is the ccTLD for the Soviet Union and is administered by the Russian Institute for Public Networks.

Top .su Domain Sales:

  • sold for 2,000 USD on 10/21/15.

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Sean Markey, Rank Theory, United States

Every single day since 2014 I log onto and look for valuable expiring domain names. Literally. I've found so many great domains there that I've either put into my domain investing portfolio, built on and created a revenue generating site that I later sold, or used in my efforts to create other valuable websites. I cannot recommend this tool enough--it is robust and powerful, and I easily filter out the thousands of terrible expiring names to consistently find the diamonds.

Sean Markey, Rank Theory
United States