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Why use DomCop?
DomCop helps you find great expired domains easily. With a click of a button you can view a list of domains with impressive metrics such as -
Domains in DomCop can be found in Three different lists
1. Expiring Domains:
This is the list of all domains that are either Pending Delete, or in a Pre-Release state or are in an Auction.
2. Expired Domains:
This is the list of all domains that have just expired or the auctions have ended. DomCop continously works on this list to find available domains as soon as they drop.
3. Archived Domains:
This is the list of all available domains that have dropped in the last one year. In addition, we add between 10,000 to 50,000 available domains daily from our crawling service to this list.
Why do you have three different lists?
Short Answer: Speed
Long Answer: Based on our research we found that our customers look domains in three different states : Pending Delete, Just Expired and Available. To ensure that each search would get the best speed we decided to break out domain list into three lists corresponding to these three states.
If you are searching for the metrics on a specific domain follow the steps below.
Enter the domain name in the search box at the top right corner and press Enter or click the search icon. You can also search for partial domain names here
DomCop has Three types of searches - Common Search, Simple Search and Advanced Search
Using the Common Search:
This is the search used by those who are new to finding expired domains. We have created a set of common searches that we show to you via a drop down list. If you are unsure of what metrics to search on, this would be a good place to start. Common searches are searches for finding domains with high trust flow, high domain authority, etc
When you want more control over your searches you can use the Simple or the Advanced Search.
Using the Simple Search:
The Simple search allows you to search on the most commonly searched on metrics. Although it is simple to use, it is a powerful search tool. You can use sliders to search for a range on various metrics
Using the Advanced Search:
Like its name, the Advanced search lets advanced users search on every possible metrics that we offer. These include
Selecting Type of Domain Listing:
If you are interested in only seeing domains that have expired or domains that are going to expire or domains on auctions or premium buy now domains, you need to set the "Listing Type" search metric.
In order to conserve your device screen space, we only show some of the domain metrics in the domain table. However, if you want to see all the metrics or choose which metrics are important to you, you can Customize the Columns.
You can drag and drop the columns you want to see into the "Current Columns" section.
You can monitor domains by adding them to your watchlist. To save a domain to your WatchList you can click on the or select it and click the "Add to watchlist" button.
These domains will show up in your watchlist and will be there as long as you want them
Reasons to use the watchlist:
You can save your searches so that you do not need to change the search parameters more than once
To create a saved search, first execute a Simple or Advanced search within any of the three lists. Click the "Save Search" button. Enter a "Name" for the search and select whether you would like a daily email with a list of domains that match the search parameters. Saved searches show up in the drop down at the top of your page. To execute any Saved Search, you simply select it from the drop down.
To export data you simply need to click the "Export Domains" button
You can choose from the following CSV file types
You can also choose what type of data to export from the following
If you want the download link to be sent to your email, click on "Send by Email". This will send a link to download the exported file to your registered email address. If you want to only download the file from the website, click on "Download". Once done, the page will show the export as being queued. The page will refresh every 30 seconds till the export is ready for download
Each export file can have at the most ten thousand records. However you can export unlimited number of files.
The DomCop support team is the best I've ever found, fast and friendly and always available to add new features to give us customers the best experience! The price and impressive service make me feel at home with DomCop. If you try the free trial you will never go away
Paolo Mauroner